Hydraulic Engineering

Hydraulic Engineering

The field of Hydraulic Engineering of the GEAMA bring together an extensive group of professionals who cover a wide variety of activities. Traditional hydraulics, linked with pressurized conduction and free flow, hydraulic works, and the study of riverway and marine environments, are some of the fundamental areas of study, and of R+D+i (research, development and innovation) of the group.

The field of Hydraulic Engineering of the GEAMA has, in both the ETS de Ingenieros de Caminos and the CITEEC, wide experience in free flow numeric modeling, using the latest in self-designed models and well known commercial models, working in GIS environments, laboratory work, and with field instruments. The continuous collaboration with electronic, computing, and artifical intelligence technicians in these fields gives the group much potential.


Permanent Staff

Jose Anta Álvarez
Luis Cea Gómez
Luis Pena Mosquera
Jerónimo Puertas Agudo
David Hernáez Oubiña

Postgraduates and

Ronnie J. Araneda Cabrera
Juan F. Farfán Durán
Gonzalo García-Alén Lores
Orlando García Feal
Juan Naves García-Rendueles
Marina de Miguel Gallo
Carlos Israel Montalvo Montenegro
Manuel A. Regueiro Picallo
Félix Sánchez-Tembleque
Esteban Sañudo Costoya
Omar Yagual Muñoz

