The first edition of the interJIA Seminar was held at the Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos – CEDEX in Madrid on the 23rd and 24th of October. The event was organised by the Spanish Chapter of the IAHR and the Spanish Young Professionals Network (SpainYPN), with the collaboration of CEDEX and the company Canal de Isabel II. Esteban Sañudo, Juan Naves and Manuel Regueiro participated in the organisation of the event as representatives of SpainYPN.
The seminar was especially focused on young professionals (<35 y.o.) and PhD students who presented a total of 32 studies, including those of Marina de Miguel and Omar Yagual, both from GEAMA-CITEEC:
- Hydrological-hydraulic models in post-fire erosion management. Marina de Miguel Gallo
- Climate Engine for water resource assessment in the Chimbo-Ecuador basin. Omar Yagual Muñoz
The seminar also included a special session dedicated to presenting the research work of the members of the Spanish Hydraulics Laboratories Network (RLHE), in which Juan Naves presented the projects currently being carried out at GEAMA. In addition to the scientific-technical presentations, two technical visits were made to the CEDEX laboratories and to the Arroyofresno stormwater tank in Madrid, managed by the company Canal de Isabel II, which holds the European record for the largest drainage water storage capacity. During the visits, the strategic lines of research and innovation of CEDEX and Canal de Isabel II were also presented.
- CITEEC. Ayudas para la acreditación, estructuración y mejora de centros de investigación del Sistema Universitario de Galicia (ED431G 2023/10), Xunta de Galicia.
- Proyecto REFLORESTA: Innovación tecnológica, social y en gobernanza para mejorar la prevención y acelerar la recuperación de los ecosistemas y paisajes afectados por incendios. Interreg Programme Funding 2021-2027.