We are pleased to announce the commencement of the Hydrasán seminars, which provide practical instruction on urban drainage, hydraulic engineering, and sanitary engineering. These seminars cover new techniques for stormwater management, hydraulic principles, and wastewater treatment. While designed for professionals, they are also open to the general public interested in hands-on training in urban infrastructure.

The first three seminars have already been conducted:

  • Ronnie Araneda, researcher at GEAMA, delivered a presentation titled «Global Databases and Their Application in Extreme Hydrological Events.»
  • Concepción Sánchez, researcher at GEAMA, presented a talk on «Definition and Principles for the Analysis of Microplastics in the Environment.»
  • Omar Yagual, PhD student at Universidade da Coruña and member of GEAMA, discussed «Urban Flooding: The Case of Milagro-Ecuador and Application of the Climate Engine Tool.»

We look forward to the continued success of these seminars and the valuable insights they will provide to all attendees.