Description of the Teaching Package
This Teaching Package has been awarded an EGU higher education teaching grant.
This package provides teaching resources that can be incorporated into higher education courses related to river flood risk evaluation and management. The package includes 3 practices that can be proposed within a regular course to support the students’ understanding of the theoretical contents delivered in lectures. The resources proposed follow the typical workflow in flood hazard studies:
- estimation of design flood discharges
- mapping of inundation hazard
- definition of strategies to manage flood risk
All the necessary materials to perform the practices are provided in the package, including a brief theoretical background, the data files needed to develop the different tasks proposed, and Python scripts, when necessary. All practices can be done using freely available software (no software licenses required).
The materials included in this Teaching Package have been created by the following people:
- Luis Cea. University of A Coruña (Spain). luis.cea@udc.es
- Jerónimo Puertas. University of A Coruña (Spain). jeronimo.puertas@udc.es
- Ernest Bladé. Polytechnic University of Catalonia. ernest.blade@upc.edu
- Marcos Sanz. Polytechnic University of Catalonia. marcos.sanz-ramos@upc.edu
- Juan Fernando Farfán Durán. University of A Coruña (Spain). j.farfan@udc.es
- María Bermúdez. University of Granada (Spain). mariabermudez@ugr.es
- Gonzalo García-Alen Lores. University of A Coruña (Spain). g.glores@udc.es
Any queries about the Teaching Package can be addressed to luis.cea@udc.es
The teaching material includes 3 practices:
• Practice 1. Estimating the frequency of river flood discharges
• Practice 2. Mapping river inundation hazard
• Practice 3. Managing flood hazard
The aim of Practice 1 is to estimate the frequency of occurrence of river flood discharges. It includes 3 tasks that cover different methodologies commonly used to evaluate flood discharges in real studies.
The aim of Practice 2 is to estimate inundation hazard in a river reach using a 2D numerical model. The practice will be performed with the 2D inundation model Iber (www.iberaula.com), which is a free distribution software.
The aim of Practice 3 is to make informed decisions to reduce flood risk.