•Cea, L., Sañudo, E., Montalvo, C., Farfán, J., Puertas, J., Tamagnone, P., «Recent advances and future challenges in urban pluvial flood modelling», Urban Water Journal, 1–25.
•Sañudo, E., García-Feal, O., Hagen, L., Cea, L., Puertas, J., Montalvo, C., Alvarado- Vicencio, R., Hofmann, J., «IberSWMM+: A high performance computing solver for 2D-1D pluvial flood modelling in urban environments», Journal of Hydrology, 651, 132603.
•Lewis, A.S.L. Lau, M.P. Jane, S.F. Rose, K.C. Be’eri-Shlevin, Y. Burnet, S.H. Clayer, F. Feuchtmayr, H. Grossart, H.-P. Howard, D.W. Mariash, H., Delgado Martin, J. North, R.L. Oleksy, I. Pilla, R.M. Smagula, A.P. Sommaruga, R. Steiner, S.E. Verburg, P. Wain, D. Weyhenmeyer, G.A. Carey, C.C., « Anoxia Begets Anoxia: a positive feedback to the deoxygenation of temperate lakes », Global Change Biology, 30 (1).
•Li, Y. Herbón-Penabad, M., Muñoz-Ibáñez, A., Li, T., Delgado-Martín, J., «A simple pseudo-Compact tension (pCT) test apparatus to determine the mode I fracture toughness», Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 238, 115342.
•Addison – Atkinson, W. Chen, A.S. Memon, F.A., Anta, J. Naves, J. Cea, L., «Investigation of uniform and graded sediment wash-off in an urban drainage system: Numerical model validation from a rainfall simulator in an experimental facility», Journal of Hydrology, 629.
•Cea, L., García-Feal, O., Nord, G., Piton, G., Legoût, C., «Implementation of a GPU-enhanced multiclass soil erosion model based on the 2D shallow water equations in the software Iber», Environmental Modelling and Software, 179.
•Fernández-Nóvoa, D., Ramos, A.M., González-Cao, J., García-Feal, O., Catita, C., Gómez-Gesteira, M. Trigo, R.M., «How to mitigate flood events similar to the 1979 catastrophic floods in the lower Tagus», Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24 (2), 609-630.
•Carreres-Prieto, D., Fernandez-Blanco, E., Rivero, D., Rabuñal, J.R., Anta, J., García, J.T., «Optimization of indirect wastewater characterization using led spectrophotometry: a comparative analysis of regression, scaling, and dimensionality reduction methods», Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 31, Núm. 42, pp. 54481-54501.
•Carro, H., Sande, J., Figuero, A., Alvarellos, A., Peña, E., Rabuñal, J., Guerra, A., Pérez, J.D., « Machine learning tool for wave overtopping prediction based on the safety-operability ratio», Ocean Engineering, Volume 312, Part 1, 2024, 119006.
•Cea, L., Álvarez, M., Puertas, J., «Using integrated hydrological-hydraulic modelling and global data sources to analyse the February 2023 floods in the Umbeluzi Catchment (Mozambique)», Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24 (1), 1561-8633.
•Farfán-Durán, J. F., Cea, L. «Streamflow forecasting with deep learning models: A side-by-side comparison in Northwest Spain», Earth Science Informatics, 1-27.
•Galán-Díaz, J.J., Pena-Mosquera, L., Puertas-Agudo, J., Rodríguez, J. , «Carbon and water footprint assessment of the production cycle of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) on a farm in Spain», Environmental Development, 51, 101038.
•Fernández-Nóvoa, D., González-Cao, J., García-Feal, O., «Enhancing Flood Risk Management: A Comprehensive Review on Flood Early Warning Systems with Emphasis on Numerical Modeling», Water, 16(10).
•Juncosa, R., Delgado, J., Cereijo, J., Rodríguez-Vellando, P., «Thermo-hydrochemical modelling of vertical profiles of the formed Meirama Lake (NW Spain)», Sustainable Water Resources Management, 10, 172 (2024).
•Juncosa, R. Delgado, J. Cereijo, J.L., «Hydrochemical stratigraphic analysis of the filling of the Meirama mine shaft I: monitoring and filling», Environmental Earth Sciences, 83 (3) 1866-6280.
•Vales-Bravo, JJ., Méndez-Caballero, EM., Prieto-Molina, R., Granado-Ruíz, L., García-Alén, G., «Cobertura LiDAR-Fotogramétrica, batimetría y levantamiento de infraestructuras como soporte al análisis de riesgos de inundación en la subcuenca del río Genil», Revista de Teledetección, 79-97.
•Regueiro-Picallo, M., Schellart, A., Jensen, H., Langeveld, J., Viklander, M., Lundy, L.(2024), «Flow rate influence on sediment depth estimation in sewers using temperature sensors», Water Science & Technology, 89 (11), 3133–3146.
•Roberto Cobos, C., Anta, J., Teijeiro, M. T., Basterrechea, M. (2024), «Modelo para estimar demanda de servicios públicos urbanos, zonificados, aplicando sistemas de información geográfica», Tecnología y Ciencias del Agua, 15 (4), pp. 405-437.
•Regueiro-Picallo, M., Moreno-Rodenas, A., Clemens-Meyer, F. (2024), «Measuring heat transfer processes in gully pots for real-time estimation of accumulated sediment depths», Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology.
•García-Alén, G., Montalvo, C., Cea, L., Puertas, J. (2024), «Iber-PEST: Automatic Calibration in Fully Distributed Hydrological Models Based on the 2D Shallow Water Equations», Environmental Modelling & Software, 106047.
• Alvarellos, A., Figuero, A., Rodríguez-Yánez, S., Sande, J., Peña, E., Rosa-Santos, P., Rabuñal, J.(2024), «Deep Learning-Based Wave Overtopping Prediction», Applied Sciences, 14(6), 2611.
• Montalvo, C., Reyes-Silva, J. D., Sañudo, E., Cea, L., Puertas, J. (2024), «Urban pluvial flood modelling in the absence of sewer drainage network data: A physics-based approach», Journal of Hydrology, v. 634, 131043.
• Regueiro-Picallo, M., Langevel, J., Wei, H., Bertrand-Krajewski, J.L., Rieckermann, J., (2024), «Combining a daily temperature pattern analysis and a heat-pulse system to estimate sediment depths in sewer systems», Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology.
• Farfán- Durán, J. , Arash Heidari, A., Tom Dhaene, T., Couckuyt, I., Cea, L.(2024), «Surrogate-Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm for the Calibration of Distributed Hydrological Models Based on Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Equations», Water, 16, 5, 652.
• Sañudo, E., Cea, L., Puertas, J., Naves, J., Anta, J. (2024) , «Large-scale physical facility and experimental dataset for the validation of urban drainage models», Hydrological Processes, 38, e15068.
• Juncosa, R., Delgado, J., Cereijo, J.L., Muñoz, A.(2023) , «Analysis of the reduction processes at the bottom of Lake Meirama: a singular case of lake formation», Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195, 1004.
• Costas, R., Carro, H., Figuero, A., Peña, E., Sande, J. (2023), «A Decision-Making Tool for Port Operations Based on Downtime Risk and Met-Ocean Conditions including InfragravityWave Forecast», Marine Science and Engineering, 11, 536.
• Costas, R., Figuero, A., Sande, J., Peña, E., Alvarellos, A., Guerra, A. (2023), «Wind influence and bathymetric effects in wave overtopping based on a long-term field campaign in the Outer Port of Punta Langosteira (Spain)», Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology.
• Tondera, K., Brelot, E., Fontanel, F., Cherqui, F., Ellerbæk Nielsen, J., Brüggemann, T., Naismith, I., Goerke, M., Suárez, J., Rieckermann, J., Leitão, J.P., Clemens-Meyer, F., Moreno-Rodenas, A., Tait, S., Anta, J.(2023), «European stakeholders’ visions and needs for stormwater in future urban drainage systems», Urban Water Journal, 20, 7.
• Sañudo, E., Cea, L., Puertas, J., Naves, J., Anta, J. (2023), «Experimental dataset on a large-scale urban drainage physical facility», (Datasets en abierto).
• Nava, V., Chandra, S., Aherne, J. et al.(GEAMA: Delgado, J, Cereijo, J.L.)(2023) , «Plastic debris in lakes and reservoirs», Nature, 619, , 317–322.
• Regueiro-Picallo, M., Anta, J., Naves, A., Figueroa, A., Rieckermann, J.(2023) , «Towards urban drainage sediment accumulation monitoring using temperature sensors», Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 12.
• García-Alén, G., García-Feal, O., Cea, L., Puertas, J. (2023), «Implementación de embalses en cálculos hidrológicos con Iber», Ingeniería del Agua, 27 (1).
• Pérez-Rey, I., Muñoz, A., González, M A., Muñiz, M., Herbón, M., Estévez, X., Delgado, J., Alejano, L. (2023), «Size effects on the tensile strength and fracture toughness of granitic rock according to different tests», Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Volume 15, Issue 9, September 2023, 2179-2192.
• Muñoz-Ibáñez, A., Herbón-Penabad, M., Delgado-Martín, J. et al. (2023), «Hidrostatic, strike-slip and normal stress true triaxial hydrofracturing testing of Blanco Mera Granite: breakdown pressure and tensile strength assessment», Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 9, 31.
• Tan C, Wang H, Yang Q, Yuan L, Zhang Y, Delgado Martín J., «An integrated approach for quantifying source apportionment and source-oriented health risk of heavy metals in soils near an old industrial area», Environ Pollut. 323, 121271.
• Farfán, J., Cea, L. (2023), «Regional streamflow prediction in northwest Spain: A comparative analysis of regionalisation schemes», Journal of Hydrology: regional Studies, Volume47 , 101427, ISSN 2214-5818.
•García-Alén G., Hostache, R., Cea, L., Puertas, J. (2023), «Joint assimilation of satellite soil moisture and streamflow data for the hydrological application of a two-dimensional shallow water model», Journal of Hydrology, Volume 47, 129667, ISSN 0022-1694.
•García-Haba, E., Naves, J., Hernández-Crespo, C., Goya-Heredia, A., Suárez, J., Anta, J., Andrés-Doménech, I. (2023),«Influence of sediment characteristics on long-term hydrology and water quality behaviour during the clogging process of a permeable asphalt», Journal of Water Process Engineering, Volume 53, 103658.
• Gui, H., Yang, Q., Lu, X., Wang, H., Gu, Q., Delgado, J. (2023), «Spatial distribution, contamination characteristics and ecological-health risk assessment of toxic heavy metals in soils near a smelting area», Environmental Research, 222, 115328.
• Farfán, J.F., Cea, L. (2022) «Coupling a Combinatorial Optimization Technique and Artificial Neural Networks to Improve the Simulations of Hydrological Models» Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 9.
• Araneda-Cabrera, R. J., Bermúdez, M., Puertas, J., Penas, V. (2022), «Comparación de índices de sequía univariables y multivariables basados en datos satelitales para la monitorización de sequías hidrológicas en el ARA Sur, Mozambique», Ingeniería Del Agua, 26(3), 217–229.
• Sande, J., Graça Neves, M., López-Gutiérrez, J-S., Esteban, M.D., Figuero, A., Negro, V. (2022), «Field Campaign on Pressure on the Crown Wall at the Outer Port of Punta Langosteira Breakwater», Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2022, Vol 10, 1377.
• Costas, R., Figuero, A., Sande, J., Peña, E., , Guerra, A. (2022), «The influence of infragravity waves, wind, and basin resonance on vessel movements and related downtime at the Outer Port of Punta Langosteira, Spain», Applied Ocean Research, Volume 129, December 2022, 103370.
• Costas, R., Figuero, A., Peña, E., Sande, J., Rosa-Santos, P. (2022), «Integrated approach to assess resonance between basin eigenmodes and moored ship motions with wavelet transform analysis and proposal of operational thresholds», Ocean Engineering, 2022, 247, 110678.
• Wang, H., Yang, Q., Zhu, Y., Gu, Q., Delgado, J. (2022), «Speciation, in vitro bioaccessibility and health risk of antimony in soils near an old industrial area», Science of the Total Environment, 854, 158797.
• Yang Q., Zhang L., Wang H., Delgado J. (2022), «Bioavailability and health risk of toxic heavy metals (As, Hg, Pb and Cd) in urban soils: A Monte Carlo simulation approach», Environmental Research, 214, 113772.
• Farfán, J.F., Cea, L. (2022),«Improving the predictive skills of hydrological models using a combinatorial optimization algorithm and artificial neural networks», Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 1-16.
• García-Alén, G., González-Cao, J., Fernández-Nóvoa, D., Gómez-Gesteira, M., Cea, L., Puertas, J. (2022), «Analysis of two sources of variability of basin outflow hydrographs computed with the 2D shallow water model Iber: Digital Terrain Model and unstructured mesh size», Journal of Hydrology, 612, 128182.
• Juncosa, R., Cereijo, J.L., Vazquez, R. (2022), «Physicochemical parameters in the generation of turbidity episodes in a water supply distribution system», Water, 14(21), 3383-3396.
• Naves, J., Puertas, J., Suárez, J., Anta, J. (2022) ,«Análisis integral del lavado y arrastre de sólidos en suspensión en cuencas urbanas utilizando un simulador de lluvia a escala real», Revista Ingeniería del Agua, 26(4), 231-243.
• García-Haba, E., Rodríguez-Hernández, J, Andrés-Doménech, I, Hernández-Crespo, C., Anta, J, Martín, M. (2022),«Diseño de pavimentos permeables en España: situación actual y necesidades futuras», Revista Ingeniería del Agua, 26(4), 279-296.
• Cea, L., Vila, G., García-Alen, G., Puertas, J., Pena, L. (2022), «Hydraulic modeling of bridges in two-dimensional shallow water models», Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 148, 8, 06022006.
• Sañudo, E., Cea, L., Puertas, J. (2022), «Comparison of three different numerical implementations to model rainfall-runoff transofrmation on roofs», Hydrological Processes, vol. 36, 5, e14588.
• Cea, L., Costabile, P. (2022), «Flood risk in urban areas: modelling, management and adaptation to climate change. A review», Hydrology, vol. 9, 3, 50.
• García, R., Naves, A., Anta, J., Ron, M., Molinero, J., (2021), «Drinking water provision and quality at the Sahrawi refugee camps in Tindouf (Algeria) from 2006 to 2016», Science of the total Environment, vol. 780, 1, 146504.
• Muñoz, A., Delgado, J., Juncosa, R., (2021), «Size effect and other effects on mode I fracture toughness using two testing methods», International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciencies, vol. 4, 104785-104801.
• Zafra, C., Suarez, J., Pachon, J., (2021), «Public health considerations for PM10 in a high-pollution megacity: influences of atmospheric condition and land coverage», Atmosphere, 12(1), 118.
• Ding, L., Yang, Q., Yang, Y., Ma, H., Delgado, J., (2021),«Potential risk assessment of groundwater to address the agricultural and domestic challenges in Ordos Basin», Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 43, 717-732.
• Muñoz, A., Delgado, J., Herbón, M., Alvarellos, J. (2021), «Acoustic emission monitoring of mode I fracture toughness tests on sandstone rocks», Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 205, 108906.
• Muñoz, A., Delgado, J., Juncosa, R. (2021), «Experimental investigation on the size and other effects on mode I fracture toughness in selected rock types using the pCT and SCB testing methods», Int. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 1743.
• Zafra Mejía, C., Suárez López, J., Rondón Quitana, H.A. (2021), «Analysis of particulate matter concentration intercepted by trees of a Latin-American megacity», Forests, 12 (6), 723, 2633.
• Alvarellos, A., Figuero, A., Carro, H., Costas, R., Sande, J., Guerra, A., Peña, E., Rabuñal, J.R. (2021), «Machine Learning Based Moored Ship Movement Prediction», Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9 (8),800.
• Araneda Cabrera, R., Bermúdez, M., Puertas, J., (2021), «Revealing the spatio-temporal characteristics of drought in Mozambique and their relationship with large-scale climate variability», Journal of hydrology: Regional Studies, 38, 100938.
• Araneda Cabrera, R., Puertas Agudo, J., Bermúdez Pita, M. (2021), «Benchmarking of drought and climate indices for agricultural drought monitoring in Argentina», Science of the Total Environment, 790, 148090.
• García-Alén, G., García-Fonte, O., Cea, L., Pena, L., Puertas, J. (2021), «Modelling Weirs in Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Models», Water, 13 (16), 2152.
• Rosal-Salido J. del, Folgueras P., Bermúdez M., Ortega-Sánchez M., Losada M. (2021), «Flood management challenges in transitional environments: Assessing the effects of sea-level rise on compound flooding in the 21st century», Coastal Engineering, 167, 103872.
• Bermúdez M., Vilas C., Quintana R., González-Fernández D., Cózar A., Díez-Minguito M. (2021), «Unravelling spatio-temporal patterns of suspended microplastic concentration in the Natura 2000 Guadalquivir estuary (SW Spain): Observations and model», Marine Pollution Bulletin, 170, 112622.
• Bermúdez, M., Farfán, J.F., Willems, P., Cea, L. (2021), «Assessing the effects of climate change on compound flooding in coastal river areas», Water Resources Research, 57 (10).
• Uber, M., Nord, G., Legout, C., Cea, L. (2021), How do modeling choices and erosion zone locations impact the representation of connectivity and the dynamics of suspended sediments in a multi-source soil erosion model?, Earth Surface Dynamics, 9, 123-144.
• Farfán, J.F., Cea, L. (2021), Coupling Artificial Neural Networks with the Artificial Bee Colony algorithm for global calibration of hydrological models, Neural Computing and Applications.
• Andrés-Doménech, I., Anta, J., Perales-Momparler S., Rodríguez-Hernández, J. (2021), Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems in Spain: A Diagnosis, Sustainability, 13(5), 2791, 1-22.
• Cea, L., López Núñez, A. (2021), Extension of the Two-Component Pressure Approach for modelling mixed free-surface-pressurized flows with the 2D shallow water equations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 93(3), pp. 628-652.
• Naves, J., García, J.T., Puertas, J., Anta, J. (2021), Assessing different imaging velocimetry techniques to measure shallow runoff velocities during rain events using an urban drainage physical model, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25(2), 885-900.
• Araneda Cabrera, R. J., Bermúdez Pita, M., Puertas Agudo, J. (2021), Assessment of the performance of drought indices for explaining crop yield variability at the national scale: Methodological framework and application to Mozambique, Agricultural Water Management, 246, 106692.
• Cantero-Chinchilla, F.N., Bergillos, R.J., Gamero, P., Castro-Orgaz, O., Cea, L., Hager, W.H. (2020), Vertically-Averaged and Moment Equations for Dam- Break Wave Modeling: Shallow Water Hypotheses, Water, 12(11), 3232.
• Puertas, J., Hernández-Ibáñez, L., Cea, L., Regueiro-Picallo, M., Barneche-Naya, V., Varela-García, F.-A. (2020), An Augmented Reality Facility to Run Hybrid Physical-Numerical Flood Models, Water, 12 (11), 3290.
• Puertas, J., Bermúdez, M. (2020), Development of a Global SDG Progress Index Aimed at Leaving No One Behind, Sustainability, 12 (10), 4085.
• Silva, A.T., Bermúdez, M., Santos, J.M., Rabuñal, J. R., Puertas, J. (2020), Pool-Type Fishway Design for a Potamodromous Cyprinid in the Iberian Peninsula: The Iberian Barbel—Synthesis and Future Directions, Sustainability, 12(8), 3387.
• Muñoz, A., Falcon, I.H., Marín, H., Delgado, J. (2020), Transport properties of saline CO2 storage reservoirs with unconnected fractures from brine-CO2 flow-through tests, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol 18, 106551.
• Castro, C.C. ,Gómez, J.A.D., Martín, J.D., Sánchez, B.A.H., Arango, J.L.C., Tuya, F.A.C., Díaz-Varela, R. (2020), An UAV and satellite multispectral data approach to monitor water quality in small reservoirs, Remote Sensing, 12, 1514.
• Farfán, J., Palacios, K., Ulloa, J., Avilés, A. (2020), A hybrid neural network-based technique to improve the flow forecasting of physical and data-driven models: Methodology and case studies in Andean watersheds, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, vol 27, 100652.
• Rico-Díaz, Ángel J., Mures, Omar M., Rabuñal, Juan R., Gestal, M., Puertas, J. (2020), An Application of Fish Detection Based on Eye Search with Artificial Vision and Artificial Neural Networks, Water, 12(11), 3013.
• Lastra, A., Suarez, J., Puertas, J., Anta, J., Ortega, M., Botello, J. (2020), Parameterizing the diffuse pollution in a continental Mediterranean city, Desalination and Water Treatment, 200, pp 441-449.
• Muñoz, A., Delgado, J., Costas, M., Rabuñal, J., Alvarellos, J., Canal, J. (2020), Pure mode I fracture toughness determination in rocks using a pseudo-compact tension (pCT) test approach, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53, 3267–3285.
• Tamagnone, P., Cea, L., Comino, E., Rosso, M. (2020), Rainwater Harvesting Techniques to Face Water Scarcity in African’s Drylands: Hydrological Efficiency Assessment, Water, 12(9), 2646.
• Bermúdez, M., Cea, L., Van Uytven, E., Willems, P., Farfán, J.F., Puertas, J. (2020), A robust method to update local river inundation maps using global climate model output and weather typing based statistical downscaling, Water Resources Management, 34, 4345–4362.
• García-Feal, O., Cea, L., González-Cao, J., Domínguez, J.M., Gómez-Gesteira, M. (2020), IberWQ: A GPU Accelerated Tool for 2D Water Quality Modeling in Rivers and Estuaries, Water, 12 (2), 413.
• Sañudo Costoya, E., Cea, L., Puertas, J. (2020), Modelling Pluvial Flooding in Urban Areas Coupling the Models Iber and SWMM, Water, 12(9), 2647.
• Vellando, P., Juncosa, R., Padilla, F., Garcia-Rabade, H. (2020), Numerical evaluation of groundwater flows: Modflow vs. FE models, Journal of porous Media, 23(6), pp 545-562.
• Tagliafierro, B., Crespo, A.J.C., González-Cao, J., Altomare, Sande, J., Peña, E., Gómez-Gesteira, M. (2020), Numerical modelling of a multi-chambered low-reflective caisson, Applied Ocean Research, v 103, 102325.
• Gharavi, A., Mohammadian, A., Nistor, I., Peña, E., Anta, J. (2020), Experimental study of surface buoyant jets in crossflow, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 20 (4), pp 1007-1030.
• García- Alén, G., Cea, L., Bermúdez, M. (2020), Modificación de series históricas de precipitación con base en escenarios climáticos futuros. El caso de estudio de la cuenca del río Con (Galicia), Revista Hidrolatinoamericana, vol 4, pp 9-11.
• Regueiro-Picallo, M., Rojo-López, G., Puertas, J.(2020), A-CITEEC: a strategic research consortium for R&D&I and transfer of results in civil engineering and building, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 12 (11), 3013.
•Bermúdez, M., Puertas, J., Cea, L. (2020), Introducing Excel spreadsheet calculations and numerical simulations with professional software into an undergraduate hydraulic engineering course, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, vol. 28, (1), pp. 193-206.
• Naves, J., Anta, J., Suárez, J., Puertas, J. (2020), Hydraulic, wash-off and sediment transport experiments in a full-scale urban drainage physical model, Scientific Data, 7, 44.
• Fraga, I., Cea, L., Puertas, J. (2020), MERLIN: a flood hazard forecasting system for coastal river reaches, Natural Hazards, 100, 1171–1193.
• Naves, J., Rieckermann, J., Cea, L., Puertas, J., Anta, J. (2020), Global and local sensitivity analysis to improve the understanding of physically-based urban wash-off models from high-resolution laboratory experiments, Science of The Total Environment, vol 709, 136152.
• Naves, J., Anta, J., Suárez, J., Puertas, J. (2020), Development and Calibration of a New Dripper-Based Rainfall Simulator for Large-Scale Sediment Wash-Off Studies, Water, 12 (1), 152.
• Regueiro-Picallo, M., Suárez,J., Sañudo,E., Puertas,J., Anta, J. (2020), New insights to study the accumulation and erosion processes of fine-grained organic sediments in combined sewer systems from a laboratory scale model, Science of The Total Environment, vol 716, 136923.
• Li, Y., Hernéndez, H., Avilés, M., Knapppett, P., Giardino, J. R., Miranda, R., Pui, M. J., Padilla, F., Morales, J. (2019), Empirical Bayesian Kriging method to evaluate inter-annual wáter-table evolution in the Cuenca Alta del Río Laja aquifer, Guanajuato, México, Journal of Hydrology, v. 582, 124517.
• Martín, M., Alvarellos, J., Delgado, J., Goicolea, J.M. (2019), Quartz sand compressibility at high stresses and temperature, Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, vol. 16, nº 2, pp. 39-49.
• Falcón, I., Amalokwu, K., Delgado, J., Callow, B., Robert, K., North, L., Sahoo, S., Best, A. (2019), Comparison of stress-dependent geophysical, hydraulic and mechanical properties of synthetic and natural sandstones for reservoir characterization and monitoring studies, Geophysical Prospecting, 67, nº 4, 784-803.
• Juncosa, R., Delgado, J., Cereijo, J. L., Muñoz, A. (2019), Hydrochemical Evolution of the filling of the Mining Lake of As Pontes (Spain), Mine Water and the Environment, 38, 556–565.
• Muñoz, A., Falcón, I., Marín, H., Delgado, J., Mackin, P. (2019), Transport properties of saline CO2 storage reservoirs with unconnected fractures from brine-CO2 flow-through tests, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 184, 106551.
• Yang, Q., Mu, H., Gua, J., Bao, X., Delgado, J. (2019), Temperature and rainfall amount effects on hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope in precipitation, Quaternary International, vol. 519, 25-31.
• Yang, Q., Wang, H., Mu, H., Luo, J., Bao, X., Bian, J., Delgado, J. (2019), Risk assessment of water resources and environmental carrying capacity in Yinchuan city, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, vol. 25, 120-131.
• Fraga, I., Cea, L., Puertas, J. (2019), Effect of rainfall uncertainty on the performance of physically-based rainfall-runoff models, Hydrological Processes, Volume 33, Issue 1,160-173.
• Bermúdez, M., Cea, L., Puertas, J. (2019), A rapid flood inundation model for hazard mapping based on least squares support vector machine regression, Journal of Flood Risk Management, 12 (Suppl. 1):e12522.
• Areu-Rangel, O.S., Cea, L., Bonasia, R., Espinosa-Echavarria, V. J. (2019), Impact of Urban Growth and Changes in Land Use on River Flood Hazard in Villahermosa, Tabasco (Mexico), Water, 11 (2), 304.
• Suárez, J., Jiménez, V., Anta, J., Jácome, J.A., Puertas, J., Recarey, M., Jikia, Z., Fernández, I. (2019), Contaminación en las escorrentías pluviales de autopistas y viales con alta intensidad de tráfico, Revista de Obras Públicas, 166(3607), 58-63.
• Naves, J., Anta, J., Puertas, J., Regueiro-Picallo, M., Suárez, J. (2019), Using a 2D shallow water model to assess Large-Scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LSPIV) and Structure from Motion (SfM) techniques in a street-scale urban drainage physical model, Journal of Hydrology, 575, 54-65.
• Bermúdez, M., Cea, L., Sopelana, J. (2019), Quantifying the role of individual flood drivers and their correlations in flooding of coastal river reaches, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 33(10), 1851–1861.
• Figuero Pérez, A., Sande González-Cela, J., Peña González, E., Alvarellos González, A., Rabuñal Dopico, R., Maciñeira Alonso, E. (2019), Operational thresholds of moored ships at the oil terminal of nner port of A Coruña (Spain), Ocean Engineering, 172, 599-613.
• Sande González-Cela, J., Peña González, E., Maciñeira Alonso, E., Figuero Pérez, A. (2019), 3D physical modeling for checking Level III probabilistic design in breakwaters: A case study in Punta Langosteira, Port, Spain, Coastal Engineering Journal, 61(4), 460-471.
• Maciñeira Alonso, E., Peña González, E., Sande González-Cela, J., Figuero Pérez, A. (2019), Dynamic Calculation of Breakwater Crown Walls under Wave Action: Influence of Soil Mechanics and Shape of the Loading State, Water, 11 (6), 1149.
• Sande, J., Figuero, A., Tarrio-Saavedra, J., Peña, E., Alvarellos, A., Rabuñal, J.R. (2019), Application of an Analytic Methodology to Estimate the Movements of Moored Vessels Based on Forecast Data, Water, vol 11, 1841.
• Santos, J. A., Pedro, F., Coimbra, M., Figuero, A., Fortes, C. J., Sande, J., Körner, M., Lemos, R., Bornschein, A., Weimper, J., Bos, J. Van Den, Dost, B., Hofland, B., Carvalho, R. F, Alvarellos, A., Peña, E., Pohl, R., Kerpen, N. B., Reis, M. T. (2019), 3-D Scale Model Study of Wave Run-up, Overtopping and Damage in a Rubble-Mound Breakwater Subject to Oblique Extreme Wave Conditions, Defect and Diffusion Forum, vol 396, 32-41.
• Mantzouki, E., Lürling, M., Fastner, J., De Senerpont Domis, L. Y 192 Co-Authors, Delgado, J. (2018), Temperature effects explain continental scale distribution of cyanobacterial toxins, Toxins, 10 (4), e156.
• Yang, Q., Mu, H., Wang, H., Ye, X., Ma, H., Delgado, J. (2018), Quantitative evaluation of groundwater recharge and evaporation intensity with stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in a semi‐arid region, Northwest China, Hydrological Processes, 32, 1130-1136.
• Muñoz, A., Delgado, J., Grande, E. (2018), Acoustic emission processes occurring during high-pressure sand compaction, Geophysical Prospecting, 67, 761-783
• Mantzouki, E., Campbell, J., Van Loon, E., Visser, P. And 202 Co-Authors (Delgado, J. (2018), A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of environmental parameters, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins, Scientific data, 5, 180226.
• Juncosa, R., Delgado, J., Cereijo, J.L., García, D., Muñoz, A. (2018), Comparative hydrochemical analysis of the formation of the mining lakes of As Pontes and Meirama (Spain), Environmental Monitoring and Assesment, 190 (9), 526.
• Yang, S., Yang, Q., Ma, H., Liang, J., Niu, C., Delgado, J. (2018), Health risk assessment of phreatic water based on triangular fuzzy theory in Yinchuan Plain, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 164, 732-738.
• Vellando, P., Juncosa, R., Padilla, F., García-Rábade, H. (2018), Development of a groundwater/surface finite element flow model. Application to the Barcés watershed, Environmental Earth Sciences, 77, 447.
• Rodríguez-Vellando, P. (2018), And so Euler discovered differential equationsFoundations of Science, Foundations of Science, 24, 343–374.
• Bermúdez, M, Cea, L., Puertas, J., Rodríguez, N., Baztán, J. (2018), Numerical modeling of the impact of a pumped-storage hydroelectric power plant on the reservoirs thermal stratification structure: a case study in NW Spain, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 23 (1), 71-85
• Pena, L., Puertas, J., Bermúdez, M., Cea, L., Peña, E. (2018), Conversion of vertical slot fishways to deep slot fishways to enhance operation during low flows: implications for hydrodynamics, Sustainability, 10(7), 2406.
• Sopelana, J., Cea, L., Ruano, S. (2018), A continuous simulation approach for the estimation of extreme flood inundation in coastal river reaches affected by meso and macro tides, Natural Hazards, 93(3), 1337-1358.
• Anta, J., Suárez, J., Jácome, A., Regueiro-Picallo, M., Puertas, J., Naves, J., Recarey, M. (2018), SEDUNIT Project: Study of the accumulation, erosion and sediment transport of cohesive solids in combined sewer systems, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, vol 228.
• Bermúdez, M., Zischg, A.P. (2018), Sensitivity of flood loss estimates to building representation and flow depth attribution methods in micro‐scale flood modelling, Natural Hazards, 92, 1633‐1648.
• Bermúdez, M., Ntegeka, V., Wolfs, V., Willems, P. (2018), Development and Comparison of Two Fast Surrogate Models for Urban Pluvial Flood Simulations, Water Resour Manage, 32 (8), 2801‐281.
• Bermúdez, M., Cea, L., Puertas, J., Rodríguez, N., Baztán, J. (2018), Numerical modelling of the impact of a pumped‐storage hydroelectric power plant on the reservoirs’ thermal stratification structure: a case study in NW Spain, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 23 (1), 71‐85.
• Pena, L., Puertas, J., Bermúdez, M., Cea, L., Peña, E. (2018), Conversion of vertical slot fishways to deep slot fishways to enhance operation during low flows: implications for hydrodynamics, Sustainability, 10 (7), 2406.
• García‐Feal, O., González‐Cao, J., Gómez‐Gesteira, M., Cea, L., Domínguez, J.M., Formella, A. (2018), An accelerated tool for flood modelling based on Iber, Water, 10(10), 1459.
• Cea, L., Fraga, I. (2018), Incorporating antecedent moisture conditions and intra‐event variability of rainfall on flood frequency analysis in poorly gauged basins, Water Resources Research, 54 (11), 8774‐8791.
• Regueiro, M., Anta, J., Suárez, J., Sañudo, E., Puertas, J., Jácome, A. (2018), Flume test facility for the study of sediment transport in sewer pipes with raw wastewater, Green Energy and Technology, Mannina G. (eds.) New Trends in Urban Drainage Modelling, UDM 2018, Springer Nature.
• Sande, J., Peña, E., Maciñeira, E. (2018), Stability of breakwater roundhead protected with a Cubipod single-layer armor, Applied Ocean Research, 79, 36-48.
• Figuero, A., Rodríguez, A., Sande, J., Peña, E., Rabuñal, J.R. (2018), Dynamical Study of a Moored Vessel Using Computer Vision, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 26, No. 2, 240-250.
• Figuero, A., Rodríguez, A., Sande, J., Peña, E., Rabuñal, J.R. (2018), Field measurements of angular motions of a vessel at berth: Inertial device application, Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, Vol 20, nº 3, 79-88.
• Bermúdez, M., Álvarez, M., Puertas, J., Peña, E., Amado, A. (2018), Evaluating the suitability of Airbus WorldDEM for flood modelling in data-scarce regions: the case study of the Megaruma River in Mozambique, WIT Transactions of the Built Environment, 184, 113-120.
• Regueiro-Picallo, M., Anta, J., Suárez, J., Puertas, J., Jácome, A., Naves, J. (2018), Characterization of sediments during transport of solids in circular sewer pipes, Water Science and Technology, 2017(1), 8-15.
• Regueiro-Picallo, M., Naves, J., Sañudo, E., Anta, J., Puertas, J., Suárez, J. (2018), Topografía de un modelo físico de drenaje urbano a partir de la técnica fotogramétrica structure from motion, Revista hidrolatinoamerica de jóvenes investigadores y profesionales, vol.2, 1-3
• Juncosa, R., Meijide, R., Delgado, J. (2017), Therapeutic characteristics of Galician mineral and thermal waters (NW-Spain) ascribed to their local/regional geological stting, Sustaintable Water Resources Management, 5, 83-99.
• Padilla, F., Hernández, J., R-Vellando, P., Juncosa, R. (2017), On a numerical approximation and application to integrated extreme hydrology: The case of the flooding hazard of Aznalcollar – Sevilla, Spain, Water Resources Management Journal.
• Regueiro, M., Naves, J., Anta, J., Suárez, J., Puertas, J. (2017), Monitoring accumulation sediment characteristics in full scale sewer physical model with urban wastewater, Water Science and Technology, vol. 76.1, 115-123.
• Álvarez, M., Puertas, J., Peña, E., Bermúdez, M. (2017), Two-dimensional dam-break flood analysis in data-scarce regions: the case study of Chipembe Dam, Mozambique, Water, vol. 9, pp. 432(1)-432(19).
• Naves, J., Jikia, Z., Anta, J., Puertas, J., Suárez, J., Regueiro-Picallo, M. (2017), Experimental study of pollutant washoff on a full-scale street section physical model, Water Science and Technology, vol. 76(10), 2821-2829
• Bermúdez, M., Neal, J. C., Bates, P.D., Coxon, G., Freer, J. E., Cea, L., Puertas, J. (2017), Quantifying local rainfall dynamics and uncertain boundary conditions into a nested regional-local flood modeling system, Water Resources Research, vol. 53(4), 2770-2785.
• Bermúdez, M., Cea, L., Puertas, J., Conde, A., Martín, A., Baztán, J. (2017), Hydraulic model study of the intake-outlet of a pumped-storage hydropower plant, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, vol. 11(1), 483-495.
• Fraga, I., Cea, L., Puertas J. (2017), Validation of a 1D-2D dual drainage model under unsteady part-full and surcharged sewer conditions, Urban Water Journal, vol. 14, 74-84.
• Alvarellos, A., Peña, E., Figuero, A., Sande, J., Rabuñal, J.R. (2017), Neural network overtopping predictor proof of concept, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10305, 616-625.
• Zafra, C., Temprano, J., Suárez, J. (2017), A simplified method for determining potential heavy metal loads washed-off by stormwater runoff from road-deposited sediments, Science of the Total Environment, vol. 601-602, 260-270.
• Fraga, I., Cea, L., Puertas, J., Suárez, J., Jiménez, V., Jácome, A. (2016), Global sensitivity and GLUE-based uncertainty analysis of a 2D-1D dual urban drainage model, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, vol. 21, 5.
• Álvarez, M., Puertas, J., Peña, E.(2016), Análisis regional de frecuencia de precipitaciones extremas en el Norte de Mozambique, Ingeniería del Agua, vol. 20, 28-42.
• Regueiro-Picallo, M., Naves, J., Anta, J., Puertas, J., Suárez, J.(2016), Experimental and numerical analysis of egg-shaped sewer pipes flow performance, Water, 8, 587.
• Jácome, A., Molina, J., Suárez, J. Mosqueira, G., Torres, D.(2016), Performance of constructed wetland applied for domestic wastewater treatment: Case study at Boimorto (Galicia, Spain), Ecological engineering, vol. 95C, 324-329.
• Yang, Q., Wang, L., Ma, H., Yu, K., Delgado, J.(2016), Hydrochemical characterization and pollution sources identification of groundwater in Salawusu aquifer system of Ordos Basin, China, Environmental Pollution, vol 216, 340-349.
• Yang, Q., Li, Z., Ma, H., Wang, L., Delgado, J.(2016), Identification of the hydrochemical processes and assessment of groundwater quality using classic integrated geochemical methods in the Southeastern part of the Ordos Basin, China, Environmental Pollution, vol 218.
• Cea, L., Legout, C., Grangeon, T., Nord G.(2016), Impact of model simplifications on soil erosion predictions: application of the GLUE methodology to a distributed event‐based model at the hillslope scale, Hydrological Processes, vol 30 (7), 1096-1113.
• Ouro, P., Cea, L., Ramírez, L., Nogueira, X.(2016), An immersed boundary method for unstructured meshes in depth averaged shallow water models, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 81 (11), 672-688.
• Cea, L., Bermúdez, M., Puertas, J., Bladé, E., Corestein, G., Escolano, E., Conde, A., Bockelmann-Evans, B., Ahmadian, R.(2016), IberWQ – New simulation tool for 2D water quality modelling in rivers and shallow estuaries, Journal of Hydroinformatics, 18 (5).
• Falcón, I., Juncosa, R., Vardo, P., Rammlmair, D., Günetr, T., Noell, U., Delgado, J.(2016), Hydrodynamic behavior of compacted granite sawdust from the dimension stone industry of Pontevedra (Spain): Experimental and modelling, Environmental Earth Sciences, 75 (5), 421.
• Juncosa, R., Delgado, J., Padilla, F., Vellando, P. , Hernández, H.(2016), Improvements in Mero River Basin Water Supply regulation through Integration of a Mining Pit Lake as a Water Supply Source, Mine Water and the Environment, 35, 389–397.
• Padilla, F, Hernández, H, Juncosa, R., Vellando, P.(2016), Modelling integrated extreme hydrology, International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, vol 6 (3), 685 – 696.
• Anta, J., Regueiro, M., Cea, L., Peña, E.(2016), Combined PIV-LIF measurements and numerical modeling of stratified flows over a dune and an array of dunes, River Flow – Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2016, 898-906.
• Cea, L., Bermúdez, M., Puertas, J., Fraga, I., Coquerez, S.(2016), Rapid flood inundation modelling in a coastal urban area using a surrogate model of the 2D shallow water equations, Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change, Proceedings of the 4th European Congress of the International Association of Hydroenvironment engineering and Research, IAHR 2016,850-855 .
• Sande, J., Peña, E., Maciñeira, E.(2016), Damage criteria in roundheads with a single layer of cubipod armor units, Coastal Engineering Conference, 1 (35) .
• Figuero, A., Peña, E., Sande, J., Costa, F.(2016), Analysis of movements and operational limits of moored vessels in Outer and Inner ports of A Coruña (Spain), Maritime Technology and Engeneering, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Maritime Technology and Engineering, MARTECH 2016, 211-216.
• Ghasemi, H., Kolahdoozan, M., Peña, E., Ferreras, J., Figuero, A.(2016), A new hybrid ANN model for evaluating the efficiency of φ-Type floating breakwater, Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference, 1 (35) .
• Medina, J.R., Gómez-Martín, M. E., Peña, E., Corredor, A.(2016), Design of the western breakwater for the Outer Port at Punta Langosteira (A Coruña, Spain), Proceedings of the Coastal Engineering Conference.
• Fraga, I., Cea, L., Puertas, J., Álvarez-Enjo, M., Salsón, S., Petazzi, A.(2016), A methodology to account for rainfall uncertainty at the event scale in fully distributed rainfall runoff models, Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change, Proceedings of the 4th European Congress of the International Association of Hydroenvironment engineering and Research, IAHR 2016, pp. 891-895.
• Maciñeira,E., Burcharth, H.F.(2016), Stability of cube armoured roundheads exposed to short crested and long crested waves, Coastal Engineering, vol. 112, 99-112.
• Mera, I., Franca, M.J., Anta, J., Peña, E. (2015), Turbulence anisotropy in a compound meandering channel with different submergence conditions, Advances in Water Resources, vol. 91, 142-151.
• Fraga, I., Cea, L., Puertas, J., Anta, J. (2015), Nonintrusive method to compute water discharge in pipes with a low depth-todiameter ratio using ultrasonic doppler velocimetry, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 141, 3.
• Rabuñal, J.R., Pérez-Ordóñez J.L., Rivero D., Puertas, J., Martínez-Abella, F. (2015), Genetic programming in Civil Engineering, International Journal of Computer Research, vol. 21, 2-3.
• Rico-Diaz, A., Rodriguez, A., Rabuñal, J.R., Puertas, J., Pena, L. (2015), Fish monitoring and sizing using computer vision, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9094, 419-428.
• Anta, J., Bermúdez, M., Cea, L., Suárez, J., Ures, P., Puertas, J. (2015), Modelización de los impactos por DSU en el río Miño (Lugo), Ingeniería del Agua, vol. 19, pp. 105-116.
• Bermúdez, M., Rico-Díaz, A., Rodríguez, A., Pena, L., Rabuñal, J.R., Puertas, J. (2015), FishPath: aplicación informática de diseño de escalas de peces de hendidura vertical, Ingeniería del Agua, vol. 19, 179-191.
• Cea, L., Bladé, E. (2015), A simple and efficient unstructured finite volume scheme for solving the shallow water equations in overland flow applications, Water Resources Research, 51 (7), 5464-5486.
• Trejo, I., Pérez, J.D., Guerra, A., Irribarren, J.R., Gómez, J., Sopelana, J., Peña, E. (2015), Medidas reales de movimientos de buques amarrados (RTK GPS), oleaje y onda larga en el puerto exterior de A Coruña (España), Ingeniería Naval, vol. 933, 76-87.
• Cea, L., Legout, C., Grangeon, T., Nord, G. (2015), Impact of model simplifications on soil erosion predictions: application of the GLUE methodology to a distributed event‐based model at the hillslope scale, Hydrological Processes, vol. 30 (issue 7), 1096-1113.
• Rico-Diaz, A.J., Rodriguez, A., Villares, D., Rabuñal, J.R., Puertas, J., Pena, L. (2015), A detection system for vertical slot fishways using laser technology and computer vision techniques, 13th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2015, Part I, 218–226.
• Barro, J.R., Comas, P., Malgrat, P., Suárez, J., Sunyer, D. (2015), Manual nacional de recomendaciones para el diseño de tanques de tormenta, Tecnoaqua, nº 12, 70-77.